Charisma is an Art that Many do not Have

Charisma is one of the qualities that people want to possess. It seems to be an important factor on the road to success in any area of human life, and charisma may allow people to form an attractive and charming impression and convince others to possess good skills, however, in order to acquire such a trait one needs to clearly understand what charisma means and dive into its meanings and benefits.

Charisma occupies the first place in terms of attractiveness, and some people believe that charisma has to do with physical appearance only, and this concept is wrong; charisma includes physical appearance, but it is never limited to it. It is more comprehensive and detailed and its achievement includes many aspects such as culture, way of speaking, balance and tranquillity, and to understand more about charisma follow this article in which we will review the concept of charisma in detail and how to acquire it and what are the bad aspects of it.

What is the concept of charisma?

It is the ability of a person to inspire, attract, negotiate, or charm to persuade people or any other individual, when a person has a high level of charismatic skill, they tend to receive more attention, respect, and listen to them, and a person with virtuous charisma has a place in leadership, selling, teaching, and speaking, for example, Bill Clinton was a man with a wonderful and very strong charisma.

In order for a person to be an effective leader it is important that he has a very good charismatic level, that he has a good idea and a high level of innovation, that one must have a good communication skill with this skill, that he can manage, lead and supervise the people under his authority, that the leader must talk and discuss with their team in order to improve the level of management, and finally that an effective leader must have good planning and also a good idea of the future and must have a goal related to his project. 

What are the different opinions about charisma?

For further discussion of an idea such as charisma, it is necessary to define it to understand what it means; the problem with its definition lies in the lack of agreement on the subject among different scientists because they tend to adapt this term to the needs of their studies, for example, "Fragoli" sees charisma as an abstract idea, but defines it as "a trait that tempts people to follow it; it is seen as a magnetism that attracts attention and fascination", in which case the term charisma refers to one trait of a person that allows him to do so. Or to her by convincing others, and then making such a person a real leader in his social milieu.

Other scientists tend to count charisma as a set of characteristics that reflect an individual's place in society by instilling confidence in that person's thoughts, and then according to Antonakis and others this trait is one of the most important qualities inherent in leaders, and then a person with charisma is a person who focuses on transmitting his belief system to others to achieve his personal goals.

Despite the differences between these researchers' definitions, there is still a common feature in their explanation of the concept of charisma; they all see it as a powerful tool for a person's influence on the people around them. 

Charisma study:

The term charisma appeared in the nineteenth century AD in the works of Max Weber, who considered it from a specific point of view as a sign that an unusual person possesses the ability to influence others with his thoughts, and in his opinion also that charisma is an innate trait of divine origin that cannot be learned or acquired.

Weber was the first to identify the main characteristics of a true leader but his definition was very vague, he left room for scepticism and other researchers began to expand on the idea by trying to uncover the nature of this phenomenon different from that identified by Max Weber.

Their joint efforts have popularised the concept of charisma and sparked further studies related to this concept, and although this trait cannot be accurately measured, social scientists, political scientists, psychologists and management scientists have used behavioural questionnaires in order to gain a better understanding of charisma.

These attempts have allowed researchers to identify certain qualities associated with charisma, and then use them to develop techniques for acquiring them, and that was when the myth of the divine nature of charisma dissipated, and people became obsessed with the idea of becoming charismatic to this day, and most of them associate the acquisition of this trait with the success they achieve in any field of human life. 

What does charisma have to do with leadership?

Charisma is a trait that has an impact on one's place in society; so it is directly related to the concept of leadership, and this allows researchers to conclude that the phenomenon of charisma can be studied by studying leaders and the way in which they manifest this trait, and in fact everyone who possesses such a trait tends to become a famous leader, whether at work, among his friends or even family members.

The role of charismatic people is essential for any organisation because they tend to motivate others with their ideas, which is beneficial in the long run, and charismatic community members can convey their vision of a problem in a way that makes others follow suit and join forces in the search for solutions.

However, as it has become clear to us through research that people are not born with a specific set of characteristics that allow them to be charismatic leaders, anyone can become such a leader by performing simple steps to acquire charisma.

In order to achieve this goal one needs to understand the nature of this phenomenon, and then according to "Fragoli" charisma cannot be achieved for one person without the role of others in wrapping them around the so-called charismatic leader, and there is a set of specific characteristics such as honesty or integrity that will not help the person to become so, and in order to become a leader needs followers; the charismatic person needs to have some people around him to reflect his attractiveness, and this fact may explain nature Temporary for being a leader with charisma recognized by others.

What is the dark side of charisma?

Despite the proven benefits of becoming a charismatic personality, there are some downsides that do not allow scientists to consider such a characteristic purely positive, so having the characteristics required in a person to become a charismatic person can make him the one who motivates others to perform specific tasks at work or simply turn them into mere slaves.

Charismatic is conditioned by a personal desire for power and is inherent in every person, so a charismatic person can only be considered a good person if specific moral rules are followed, which is often not guaranteed, and charisma can sometimes be a kind of arrogance; we find the person who has charisma sees himself better than the people around him. 

Charisma Acquisition:

For everyone who wants to become a charismatic personality who has good charisma and in order to achieve this goal he or she must follow specific rules, these rules have been determined by many scientists and are known as charismatic leadership tactics (CLTs), so the implementation of such a theoretical approach such as (CLTs) would increase the attractiveness of the individual, and it has been proven that it is not a trait or a set of qualities that one possesses but a process that requires the presence of other people or followers of it, All these principles are intended for use in society.

Its successful implementation can be seen in world-renowned leaders who had no charisma at the beginning of their careers, for example, Steve Jobs was known as an embarrassing person for the people who met him before he became successful, yet he managed to master specific skills that completely changed his image and those of others about him.

Another example of someone who has learned to be charismatic is Martin Luther King Jr. who has become an excellent speaker by learning to be someone with excellent charisma, and in the case of these people many rules can be distinguished, which are also included in (CLTs).

One of the main principles of charisma acquisition is the human orientation of the people around him and his ability to make them understand that they feel the same way towards this issue, and in order to achieve this we can use a lot of tools such as personal storytelling, the use of metaphors and the assertion that collective feelings are useful, so these techniques allow the speaker to inspire the people who listen to him by instilling a sense of belonging to society. 

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In conclusion:

Being an attractive person is a lifelong dream for modern people who see charisma as the solution to all their problems in their lives. Since charisma is not innate, it is taught and everyone can achieve this goal in order to improve their lives and make them more useful.

However, the beneficial features of charisma are only possible with a specific moral directive that does not allow a charismatic person to manipulate others for his own self-interest, so a person who is aware that they have a good charisma must observe themselves in their treatment with others when there is no one to monitor him.